Sleeps with Butterflies 2

When i originally created an image from this song, I said that I would no doubt do another one since this song is so full of imagery.  Well, this thought just popped into my head so I decided to try to create it.  It didn’t come out exactly as I had pictured, but then, that sometimes happens.  Sometimes I have one thing pictured but it ends up being something else, or a little different.  Anyway, my monitor also needs to be calibrated so when I look at the image on another computer, it looks all wrong.  Often I don’t know if it’s my monitor that is off or the others.  In any event…

look good from on the ground
I fear with pins and needles around…”

Sleeps with Butterflies #2 - Tori Amos

Sleeps with Butterflies #2 – Tori Amos

Here is the 1st image I created for the same song.  Sleeps with Butterflies #1