Update on Kickstarter

I am about 10% funded thus far!  Thanks to those that have contributed.  Your faith and belief in me is beyond words!  If this campaign fails, I have applied to a few different grants.  If those don’t come through, maybe I am meant to make this a reality in some other way.  Being an artist isn’t about how I create, it’s about the road I am on to express myself.  This project is a destination.  It doesn’t matter how I reach it, I just need to begin the journey. Brooke Shaden says that we “let the emotion of the experience translate into an indescribable, yet brilliantly articulate masterpiece,” and that this is our muse.  This is who we are.  I know this project is a joining of my emotion and my reason, which will make the final outcome as honest as it can be.

I have purchased a used Canon full frame off of Ebay and a used tripod, both light years better than what I have been using thus far.  It is time to get a lens, pick up that new camera and see what happens as I step on the path to the road of this new project.  I hope you will all go on this journey with me!


It’s Official!

Well it’s official. Kickstarter is launched! Here is another photo of the house I plan to rent. Please stop by my Kickstarter page to read about the project and watch the video! Sharing my project is also a great way to get the word out! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/38423997/hollow-bones-a-fine-art-photographic-journey. #614forall #aroundcolumbus #cbusartists #columbusmakesart #asseenincolumbus #614artists #artsincolumbus #germanvillage #columbusunderground #614magazine #columbusartsmarketing #kickstarter #crowdfunding #cbusart #fineartphotography #photoseries #photography #historichomes #relationships


German Village

Here’s another photo of the house I plan to rent if this Kickstarter gets funded.  It’s in German Village (an old historic section of Columbus).  Hope it’s available when all this is over! If not, I have others in the works.


Stay tuned for more photos to come 🙂


Kickstarter News

Getting ready to launch Kickstarter Campaign in a few days.  Until then, here is a photo of the house I plan to rent to transform the rooms into staged scenes of a relationship’s journey.  I will try to keep this as up to date as possible and will be posting photos and information as I get it.  Thanks for visiting!


Director’s Award!

So excited and honored to have my image “Sleeps with Butterflies 2” chosen as Director’s Award in the Juried Exhibit “Flight” at the Photoplace Gallery in Middlebury, VT!  Always exciting to have someone recognize your work!


Sleeps with Butterflies 2

I haven’t been posting as of late since I have been working so hard on my Kickstarter campaign.  So much to do to get it ready to launch.  Hope you stick around!  Peace



Lost and Found

Okay, so on to the next step.  After several workshops on the business of Fine Art Photography, I am now ready to move on…to take that next step.  I have taken a break and spent a long time thinking in order to come up with my next project.  I can’t just sit down and figure it out.  I have to just let life go by and things come to me.  Many nights I lay awake, absorbed and obsessed with this project.  It is all consuming and touches everything I do.  I am super excited about the prospect of taking on a new way of working, a whole new direction.  I have all the details worked out, however, this time I will be using a model, an assistant, and a location for the whole series of 12-15 photographs.  I have found some promising, really good locations here in Columbus, and am really itching to get started, however, one of the main things they emphasize in the workshops is that the first years of getting started are expensive!  You have to put into it, to get anything out of it.  The positive is that I am able to deduct all of that on my taxes.  The negative is that I am now at the point that I am ready to take on a big project but don’t have the funding.  When I say big, I mean big for me at this point in time.  Some projects cost tens of thousands.  That’s not where I am….yet 🙂  The other negative is that it seems that most of the grants offered to artist/photographers are either specific to documentary and political photographers or they want you to have a significant body of work before they will commit to giving you anything.  Or there is one or two that are possibilities but they are not choosing again for another year.

On to my point.  In order to get the funding I need, I have decided to start a Kickstarter campaign.  I have thought long and hard about this project and am very passionate about seeing it come to life.  I am presently in the process of setting up my Kickstarter page so please keep an eye out for updates.  I am so excited about the possibility of all of this being a reality.  I sincerely hope you will follow along!


More than one thing can end up being someone’s lifeline.  Sometimes it is a good thing, a savior.  Sometimes it is a bad thing.  Something which you feel you need to stay alive, but which ultimately kills you and those you love in the end.




Am still working on this series and am ready to be done with it but am not feeling like it is right or cohesive enough so am not gonna be satisfied until it’s done.  Anyway, I’ve been really drawn to the look of vintage photographs (tintypes, wet plate collodion, etc.) so am headed to an all day workshop co-hosted by Ua Chamberlain, the organizer of our photo meetup group and a pro photographer (www.uacreativephoto.com), along with Heather Wetzel, an artist working in historic photographic processes and a lecturer at OSU.  I am looking forward to it.  Hope to post something I create if it comes out worthy 🙂

I’m not titling these images anymore.  I feel like the viewer should form their own opinion as to what they mean and what the objects represent.  Peace

You decide

Still working on my series I had originally thought I would call Sorrow but as I continued to work on it, things have changed.  I have removed a few of the photos and am working on others.  The name I have decided to change as well but not sure about that yet either.  In any case, here is another in the series.  Peace